09AUG08 Arlington, TX, USA - Canmore, AB, Canada
Seems like there's always something when you are trying to get to the airport. This time it was last minute copies of music for Emily to memorize, but out by 0840 for a 1040 flight, and a good trip to the airport. Separate seats, but in eyeshot. I tried to sleep, but instead was leaned over the whole way and got a neck cramp. Wound up with a headache the rest of the day.
26$ Cabride to storage, and then on the road by 1500L and into Canmore ahead of the rain. We actually went to the lower entrance of the park and turned around, as the weather was closing. Set-up camp and then headed into town for a look-see and maybe dinner. Wound up 'stuck' in a chocolate shop for 20 minutes of downpour. That hurt (yeah, right).

McD's for dinner (just across the street from the campground) and met a Goldwing driver from CA. Emily suddenly into French (un, deu, trois, etc), and very interested in the common area barn, magazines, migrant workers from (you guessed it) French Canada (Quebec/Montreal). We played several games of backgammon, and then hit the hay. 20$ for 2 (15$ for one tent, one person).
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