Off we go! 9-16-09

Despite having to get up twice during the night (yea, I know, I do that anyway) to put myself and a friend on the priority lists, I was bright eyed and bushy tailed for the flight from DFW to SLC (Dallas -Ft Worth to SaltLake City). I arrived at 1120, as planned, and then started hunting for my friend, Herb Nyberg, who was due in from somewhere on the East Coast at 1129. USAirways had a plane expected then, but ETA had slid to 1230, so I sat at the gate and waited. About 20 minutes later I was paged to the baggage claim area. Seems Herb was on a different plane and had told the baggage claim rep that he was missing something - ME!
Met Mike, Herb's son, and we loaded up to head back to his place on the north side of SLC, conveniently passing REI along the way. What good fortune! They were having a garage sale and I decided I really did need a fleece jacket to stave off the 30 degree temps they were telling me to expect. Found one in the return bin for 9$ and half off made it 4.50$ Can't beat that! So Herb went ahead and bought a new backpack as well! All we really came in for was a fuel canister for my stove.
Spent the night catching up, meeting Mike's girlfriend, Jackie, and then touring Hill AFB and the F-16 Fighter Squadron lucky enough to have her as Intel Officer. Even had time to wax our boots.
good on you guys -- what a great opportunity. Bob Novak
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