Drizzly morning, I was fairly cold last night, though thermometer says 45 or so at lowest point. Hope Emily did ok; that's always my thought - hope Em's doing OK, and maybe enjoying this a little. Finally let up enough to rise about 0830. Had to head north to Sascatchewan Crossing in RideCon1 (that's liner, mesh gear AND Frogg Toggs). A little for the wet, mostly for the cold. Prices were way high! Breakfast bagels 7$ each, coffee and watery hot chocolate 3$ for 23$ for two! AND GAS!!!! Up to the Ice Fields. The scale of this scenery is difficult to grasp. Rockface cliffs from valley floor literally into the clouds. Moran piles everywhere and all the water is teal with rock flour.

Continued on to the Colombian Ice Field Exhibit. VERY nice, food and bathroom and lodging (no gas) and tours were only 36$ each! A bargain! Bus to the edge of the glacier run, then an ice-cat onto the t glacier. Steep 36% grade down, then up to the ice falls. Beautiful aqua colour, and the water melt tastes pure - like Evian! Lots of Photos. Lunch was 8$ for coffee and pizza, and em's was "free" (the cashier had walked away and there was no one to hand money). Checked internet (2$ for 15min) for flight info (RED, of course). No way to make the 0700, but will definitely be there 4 hours early (1430-400=1030) to sign in for the 1430 flite. Must leave Canmore by 0830.

Lots of people in hiking togs. Kinda disappointed not to do much (any) - the Johnson Canyon Falls walk aside. It's not Em's thing and getting here in/out/in riding kit is too much of a hassle. There'll always be a hike I didn't do, or a road I haven't ridden - that shouldn't take one step or one rpm from those that I have! We've given it a good go, as best we could. Again, no complaints, no whining, just an adventurous heart. After lunch we cruised back to camp (how nice not to have to find a campground, select a site, unload and set up) taking photos and, hopefully, awesome video. We're having an impromptu undeclared photographic competition, and I'm enjoying it mucho! She's way into macro right not. I remember that phase - and zoom! I remember wondering what the point was in anything under 135mm! Of course, she won't have to pay to develop 100's of shots like I did (or did my dad pay?). There's also no waiting (instant gratification) and instant feedback on quality. Now we're waiting for nightfall - she's reading school assignment (Grapes of Wrath) and I'm catching up on this journal.
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