Harvest Classic Rally
M. Haggard made a little town called Luckenbach Texas famous with a song. It was already famous FOR song. Way back in the 60's a guy named Hondo incorporated a little gathering of buildings near Fredericksburg Tx and set up a bar, a general store and a music/dance hall for aspiring musicians. Now there's another stage for pickin' and singin', washer pits for tossing washers, and ... well, that's still about all there is. But on weekends it fills up with folks making and appreciating music. And beer (this is German country). This weekend was a classic motorcycle show and rally benefiting child cancer fighters. Todd, Kristin, James, Bruce and I rode down to partake at rally central, camping right on the creek that runs through Luckenbach. Todd is new to biking, and was on a Triumph Thruxton with fresh outta the box soft bags on the back, and Kristin, the only lady in the group was even newer to biking and rode pillion over 9 and a half hours 530miles! Way to go! James and I were on BMW GS bikes with several miles on them already, and Bruce was on his brand spanking (less than 50 miles) Buell something or other 1150. What a gaggle.
We met at James's home in Ft Worth, trekked out I-20 to 377 through Grandbury, down 51 to 67, across to 220 into Hico, 281 to Hamilton where we zigged and zagged to 16 south, devouring flesh at Coopers BBQ in Llano, and then 965 past Enchanted Rock to Lower Crabapple Rd and into Fredericksburg and on 290 into Luckenbach. A longish day but no mishaps and the newbies, both human and machine, did very well. We were all impressed with Kristin's attitude and Todd's ability to handle a bike under load. Which is not to say that Kristin was a load. Moving on....
Friday night was hooting and hollering and campfires and cold. Yup, it got into the 40's. But no precipitation. We camped, along the creek across from the Todo Moto group of bikers from Houston Tx. They were there to have a good time (for them), and did. We listened and watched and wondered.
Saturday morning was crisp and clear and waaaay early, as the roosters started their fight with the sun at 0330, much to Kristin's delight. If she had her way they'd be under plastic wrap in the meats section of WalMart. We bundled up and headed into Fredericksburg for a terrific pancake and sausage and bacon (rhymes with vacation so there's no dietary guilt) breakfast and a short ride along Boos Rd where Todd (and Kristin) learned a little more about the Thruxton and it's suspension travel. They then pealed off for a 5$ shower at the KOA near Luckenbach and a trip thru WalMart (no chickens) for supplies.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch (always wanted to say that) folks were arriving in droves. On motorcycles actually. From San Antonio and Austin and Houston and lots of places. Bikes ranged from still shiney Ducati's fresh from the factory to 1903 motorized bicycles and all types in between. Even if you weren't a rider you remember seeing some of these. You meet the nice-est people on a Honda! We had judgings and raffles and music all day long and people for watching on a continual parade. A troupe of Trials riders put on a continual display that was jaw dropping. To see a bike leap from the ground onto the top of a semi-trailer was near unbelievable.
Later on was BBQ and more music and then a big screen movie on the grass behind the music hall. After that things grew surprisingly quiet and we all got a great nights sleep.
Sunday fairly early we took off and made our way expeditiously back to the MetroMess via 290 to Johnson City, 281 north to Hico, 220 to Chalk Mtn and 67 to Alvorado and I-35 home. Good thing, too, as Todd's Iphone was almost outta juice and it came down BUCKETS last night with hail and lightning.
Great people, great ride, great weekend.

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