Had to read that in High School, then watch 'John-Boy's portrayal. What the hell IS that thing on his cheek, anyway?
Well, the summer was quieter than I'd hoped, but there's life in the old boy just yet. Herb Nyberg, a classmate from USNA, posted a note on Facebook that he and his son Mike would be climbing Kings Peak UT this summer. I took it as a challenge, and invited myself along. My training regimen was arduous at first (10-20 minutes of 10 min/mile jog followed by 30 min of stairs with 15lbs on my back) but soon petered out to just thinking about it.
Well, tomorrow's the day. I hit DFW at 0830, land in SLC at 1120, and spend the afternoon marveling at the mountains and wondering what I've gotten myself into THIS time.
Traveling kit is similar to the Walk 1/2 Way Across England, 'cept a little more food and better boots. I'm not SO worried about the 36 miles or so in and out, it's the 5000ft 'prominence' we'll be climbing. Many places where the summit is 14000 you may actually only climb 3000 or less from the trail head. This, however, is a 5000' gain from the door of the car up. Carrying food, water and shelter for 3 days.
We'll try the SPOT locator again at
http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=07ON0lnuMo7xj7fRmFhQ4UFWqyVqSVCGUbut be aware, it only holds the track for 7 days. After that just assume we got to the top, will ya?